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Jun Shihan Nick Thoen

6th Dan

Jun Shihan Nick graded from brown belt to Shodan in 1994 under the watchful eyes of Jun Shihan Peter and Jun Shihan Neil. For many years he instructed the Brown Belt class.

He now takes the 6:30pm Wednesday night Green & Yellow Belt Class, ably assisted by Sensei Dean Hood. Brown belts are also welcome to attend this class, however, the focus is primarily green belt syllabus.

The focus in class is to develop and practice syllabus, along with an emphasis on fitness, strength and strong technique. Developing the kyu grades present as a collective group, rather than individualised training is also a major aim.

Jun Shihan Nick and Sensei Dean maintain a high energy class rather than passive, however enjoyment, flexibility, and etiquette are also factors needed to find balance and maturity in training.

Jun Shihan Nick Thoen
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