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Jun Shihan Ally Morris

6th Dan

Jun Shihan Ally Morris started her training at Shibu in 1985. Jun Shihan Ally achieved her Shodan in 1997 and, in between having two wonderful girls, has continued to train consistently and obtained her Go-Dan in 2015, then her Jun Shihan in 2023.

Jun Shihan Ally has competed in tournaments every year since 2011, entering in the Open Weight Kumite, Open hand Kata and Weapons Kata. She has won these divisions in the North Island Tournament, NZ National Tournament and also the Australasian tournament over the years.

In 2017, Jun Shihan Ally along with the Shibu Tournament team travelled to Japan. She went along in coaching capacity, but was also fortunate enough to train in Japan with Kaicho and many of the other Seido students from around the world.

Jun Shihan Ally wishes for her students to be able to walk away from class feeling a sense of achievement so she provides opportunities for them to learn new skills and encourages them to push themselves.

Jun Shihan Ally Morris

Open Daily

As per weekly timetable.


P: 03 377 0392

174 Barbadoes Street,
Christchurch, 8011

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